15. October 2021, 8:00 PM Anežský klášter
Sixth – Tone Harmonium
Alois Hába: Six pieces for sixth-tone harmonium, op. 37
Ian Mikyska: In
Miroslav Beinhauer
Sixth – Tone Harmonium
The Prague premiere of the only piece written for sixth-tone harmonium by the pioneer of microtonalmusic Alois Hába, more than 90 years after its composition. Plus the world premiere of Ian Mikyska’s IN for sixth-tone harmonium.
In the St. Agnes Monastery, listeners will have a unique opportunity to hear a rare instrument played live – the sixth-tone harmonium. The concert will feature the only solo composition for the instrument by the visonary pioneer of microtonal music Alois Hába.
The world premiere will also feature Ian Mikyska’s composition for harmonium and electronica, the first solo composition for this instrument in more than 90 years.
Both compositions will be performed by Miroslav Beinhauer, the only sixth-tone harmonium concert player in the world.
The concert will be followed by a Q&A about the sixth-tone harmonium with Ian Mikyska and Miroslav Beinhauer.
The concert takes place with the financial support of the EEA Funds 2014–2021, the Culture Program and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
The concert partner is the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music.
There is no interval in the concert.